On 16. July 1942 Radovan Dimovic and Vladislav Miler managed to escape from the Kvitbergpallan roadworks site. In the course of their escape, they were forced to kill a German guard from the Ordnungspolizei – Unterwachtmeister Friedrich Strobel from Hinteruhlberg. Dimovic and Miler managed to escape, but became separated shortly after. On 20. July, they both made their way to the district of Tärna in Sweden – Dimovic to Rönäs og Miler to Kåtaviken. On 21. July, they were both questioned by the local authorities in the district of Tärna.
Dimovic was from Jarak, born 5. November 1911, while Miler came from Markovac, and was born 20. July 1913. Both of them survived the war, and were able to return to their home country.
After the escape, harsh reprisals were put into effect by the SS officers in both camps. In the Korgen camp, from which the two prisoners had escaped, 40 prisoners (every tenth man) were rounded up the following day. One prisoner was killed in the camp before the group was marched to the place of execution, where the remaining 39 were shot and killed. In the neighbouring camp of Osen, 20 prisoners were executed (shot) that same day.